
Chesterford Research Park Team out in force for Children in Need

Rain doesn't dampen Park Team's charitable spirit!

Known for their love of fancy dress the Park Team at Chesterford never fail to disappoint.  Today they are once again dressed in their finest in support of Children in Need.

Gathering at the Gatehouse in torrential rain at 0730hrs in the morning was a true sign of their commitment to the cause.  Between 0730hrs and 0900hrs the team collected £480 from Park tenants and visitors as they arrived for work.  

In addition to the collection points, the Catering Team have also entered into the spirit of the day, preparing Pudsey cookies which are on sale in the Restaurant.

Bucket collections continued throughout the day and the final total raised was £600.73!

The Park Team would like to thank everyone for their very generous donations - we couldn't do it without you!